The Official Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted on 25 September 2015 has 92 paragraphs, with the main paragraph (51) outlining the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and its associated 169 targets. This included the following goals:[19]

  1. Poverty and wellbeing: Health improvement through elimination of Poverty.
  2. Nutrition and wellbeing: Food security, food safety and improved nutrition and promotion sustainable agriculture in order to eliminate hunger.
  3. Disease freewellbeing: Promote health for all at all ages by.
  4. Education andwellbeing:Health improvement in communities by improving education.
  5. Gender Equality and wellbeing:Gender inequality effecting health care delivery.
  6. Clean Water and wellbeing:Availability of water and sanitation for all.
  7. Affordable and Clean Energy andwellbeing– Affordable, reliable, sustainable and clean energy.
  8. Economic Growth andwellbeing: Sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth that promotes health.
  9. Industry, Innovation, Infrastructure and wellbeing:Health promotion through industrial innovation and infrastructure.
  10. Wellbeing through Reduced Inequalities: Promoting health through reducing inequality within countries.
  11. Wellbeing through Sustainable Cities and Communities:– Cities and human settlements that are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
  12. Wellbeing through Responsible Consumption and Production: Consumption and production patterns that would threaten wellbeing.
  13. Wellbeing through Climate Action :Climate issues that could potentially threaten well being.
  14. Life below Water andWellbeing: Fisheries industries and health.
  15. Life on LandandWellbeing :Agriculture, farms and health.
  16. Peace and Justice through Wellbeing: – Peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.
  17. Wellbeing through Partnerships:Public- private or other types of partnerships that promote health.
